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AI for resume writing | Is it good - Pros & Cons

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MrSolvo Team

With the rapid development of technology, there arises a hot argument about whether the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in resume writing is meaningful or not in the digital age. A fresh report from Gartner pegs the market for AI-powered writing tools at $1.2 billion by 2025, translating to an 18.7% annual growth rate over the forecast period. This increase in demand raises the question: Are artificial intelligence (AI) resume writing tools helpful or are there fundamental dangers involved?

The job market in India is very competitive and this data indicates a few openings whereas a million job applicants are fighting for the said few openings. In that case, a strong CV could be the key in persuading potential employers to consider your resume for an interview.

AI resumes good or not

Some websites like MrSolvo let humans write your resume instead of AI. But before we get into the pros and cons, let's look at AI resume writers with a funny analogy.

The Rise of the Robo-Writers

Imagine a world where resumes were not written by people, but by super-smart robots. These robo-writers are so smart that they know even about the job description, skills and much more. They call up your best material for each role and in a few clicks they spit out a professionally-formatted resume for you. Every resume writer's dream? Maybe not!

Pros of AI Resume Writing

As with any technology, AI-powered resume writing comes with its fair share of advantages. Let's explore some of the potential benefits:

Speed and Flexibility - By far the biggest benefit of using an AI resume writer is that it can generate resumes in no time. No longer will a human writer have to spend hours or even days working on a single resume, an AI system will have the capacity to create a single resume in minutes helping to optimize time for job seekers.

Customization and Personalization - AI robots able to understand job descriptions and build resumes that are most relevant to the job requirements and resume keywords. This much customization gives you the best-looking resume for the job you want, and thus it is more likely to appeal to the senses of the recruiter.

Objective and Unbiased - Machines do not have experiences of their own or feelings that shape their opinion so they can be made to be neutral or impartial to the workings and processes behind data. Such neutrality can be useful as well, especially if you think that unconscious biases can insert their way into a resume-writing process.

Cons of AI Resume Writing

While the pros of AI resume writing are convincing, it's crucial to consider the potential drawbacks and risks associated with this technology.

The Exaggeration Conundrum - The biggest issue with AI-powered resume writing. How much of an exaggeration can the technology allow to not become embellished? Even the most sophisticated AI systems will struggle to convey the intricacies & details about how someone has formulated their professional progress. As a result, it might result in resumes that over-sell and make job-seekers feel embarrassed during interviews.

Q: But wait, doesn't AI strive for accuracy? How can I exaggerate?

A: While AI algorithms are designed to be accurate, they can only work with the data they're provided. If the input data contains embellishments or exaggerations, the AI system may inadvertently incorporate those into the generated resume, amplifying the issue.

No Human Touch and Authenticity - The resumes are more than a bunch of skills and experiences; they are an identity of one's distinctive journey and personality. Even the most elaborate AI, no matter how skilful, can imitate the realness and liveliness that a human writer can provide. Picture a resume written in cold computer prose, lacking the warmth of a personal touch or human stories or worse, a resume that reads as if written by someone else entirely, not at all reflective of the job seeker's actual self.

Limited emotional intelligence - It is manifested in a unique way since the AI is running off of data and applying logical rules to it, but its understanding and relating of the emotional fluctuations, which in by large contributes to good resume writing, is very limited. A human writer uses their own real-world experiences and empathy in order to write stories that are more personally appealing and sympathetic to the reader.

The Human Touch

Although AI resume writing has few benefits, a lot of employment seekers in India may still go for a customized and original approach, it is a blend of technology with a human. Crafting Resumes with a Personal Touch - Enter, a service that offers human-powered resume writing tailored to the Indian job market. With a team of experienced writers and career experts, aims to capture the essence of each individual's unique journey, crafting resumes that are not only compelling but also reflect the job seeker's authentic voice and personality.

The Art of Storytelling

Another key feature of MrSolvo is one of the methods used to do this is with the craft of storytelling. Their writers know that a resume is a story - it's not just a summary of what someone has done or accomplished, it's a comprehension of an individual's experiences, skills, and desires in a story-focused way.
Think of it as a resume that tells the story of your professional past, focusing on the obstacles you've faced and the successes you've experienced in your life.
A resume that details your skills (but also a resume that reveals where you've used them so I can see your hands-on experience and the change you drove).

Striking the Right Balance

On one hand we have AI generates Resumes, and on the other hand, we take help of human-powered MrSolvo. While both of the approaches adopted have pros, it comes down to getting the right balance. Maybe our resume writing in the future will be a combination of AI & Human talent!

AI would, in essence, do the grunt work of data processing and optimization by ensuring resumes are moulded to specific job requirements and keywords.
Human writers would then add creativity, storytelling, and emotional intelligence thereby taking AI-generated content and creating a convincing, relatable voice to the user journey.
Possibly, this hybrid approach could give India's jobseekers the best of both worlds i.e. the AI-led efficiency and personalization, as well as the authenticity and human touch of a writer.

A blend of AI and human expertise will develop the future of resume writing even though AI is going to dominate the future of resume writing but we should not underestimate the importance of human expertise and we will witness the integration of AI and human expertise to a greater extent shortly in many fields.